The Legislative Decree 81/08 in title III chapter I defines work equipment as “any machine, appliance, tool or plant,
understood as the set of machines, equipment and components necessary for the implementation of a production process, intended to be used during work”. From this definition we can perceive how meaningful the use of equipment in
production processes is and how there is a considerable diversification of the same in terms of categories and types.
Each work equipment, depending on the characteristics and methods of use, can be a source of danger, both for the
health and safety of exposed workers.
In the national scientific literature, there are no validated methods that allow you to calculate, with objective criteria,
the accident risk related to the use of equipment in the workplace.
For this reason, the Prevention and Protection Service of the Federico II University of Naples has developed an
assessment method called “UNI.ATT”, through which it is possible to perform the calculation of the accident risk in
an automated manner

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