Application of the ultrafast sequence in the dynamic contrastographic study in the magnetic resonance imaging of the breast: our experience
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Breast MRI
Ultrafast Sequence
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced

How to Cite

Curatolo , C., D’Amato , E., Daricello , M., Caruso , V., Orlando , A. A. M., Lo Re , G., & Galia , M. (2022). Application of the ultrafast sequence in the dynamic contrastographic study in the magnetic resonance imaging of the breast: our experience. Journal of Advanced Health Care, 4(4).


In the last decade, breast MRI has played a role of primary importance, as a “gold standard” method in the early
diagnosis of breast cancer in high-risk women, in assessing the extent of the disease and the response to neoadjuvant
chemotherapy. Currently, the 3D GRE Rapid-Acquisition sequence in dynamic acquisition without and with endovenous administration of contrast medium, is fundamental for the breast MRI protocol, as the current diagnostic
approaches in Magnetic Resonance are based precisely on this sequence, able to guarantee accurate diagnostic
performances detecting pathological mass and non-mass-enhancement. Ultrafast sequences are modern sequences
based on the 4D Time-Resolved technique with k-space sampling modalities which allow the evaluation of post-contrast images with very high temporal resolution. The purpose of our work is to illustrate in particular the use of the
4D-THRIVE sequence implemented in our breast MRI study protocol.
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