Evidence-based Practice (EBP): beliefs, knowledge and behavior of physiotherapists. A survey research.
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Evidence-based practice
Physical therapy
Professional role behaviors

How to Cite

Collebrusco , L., Gambacorta , A., & Visciano , G. (2021). Evidence-based Practice (EBP): beliefs, knowledge and behavior of physiotherapists. A survey research. Journal of Advanced Health Care, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.36017/jahc202131118


An analytical observational study was conduct using a web-based questionnaire. Evidence-based practice is one of the most relevant  concern of all health professions. This research has been done taking account of demographic information, attitudes and skills in  reference to Evidence Based Practice (EBP) for application in the daily clinical practice. To describe beliefs and behaviors of  physiotherapists from two Italian regions about EBP and its implementation in clinical practice, their knowledge in this field and the  perception of its benefits and barrier in application in clinical practice. The participants completed a designed questionnaire, whose  purpose was to determine beliefs, attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors regarding EBP, as well as demographic information about  themselves and their practice settings. This survey was activated through the TSRM-PSTRP registers of Marche and Umbria regions that sent the questionnaire to all the registered physiotherapists. There was a response rate of 7.64% for Marche region, equal to a  sample of 132 physiotherapists, and a response rate of 12.99% for Umbria region, equal to a sample of 110 physiotherapists, for a total  sample of 242 physiotherapists. The questionnaire was filled out through an online Google platform called “Forms”. The responses  were summarized for each item and the logistic regression analyses and the chi-square test were used to examine relationships  among variables. The respondents agreed that the use of evidence in practice was necessary, that the literature was helpful in their  practices and that the quality of patient care was better when evidence were used. For physiotherapists from Umbria, with more than  15 years of qualification, the following answers are statistically significant (p<0.05): “the application of EBP is necessary in the practice  of physical therapy, EBP helps me making decisions about patient care and I actively seek practice guidelines pertaining to areas of my  practice and EBP improves the quality of patient care”. For physiotherapists from Marche, with more than 15 years of qualification, the  following answers are statistically significant (p<0.05): “EBP helps me making decisions about patient care, I actively seek practice  guidelines pertaining to areas of my practice and I am confident in my ability to find relevant research to answer my clinical  questions”. Training, familiarity with and confidence in search strategies, use of databases, and critical appraisal tended to be  associated to younger therapists with fewer years of qualification. Physical therapists stated they have a positive attitude about EBP  and they are interested in learning or improving the necessary skills to implement EBP. They noticed that they needed to increase the  use of evidence in their daily practice. 

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