Accidents at work are the cause of long absence/death of workers.Part of the European population suffers from workrelated health problems,it is the EU-OSHA itself that points out that their cost on a global scale is 2680billion euros,3.9% GDP-,the European one of 476billion euros-3.3%GDP.The economic advantages of investments for safety
are evident and the acquisition of awareness of the worker on the level of risk represents a coefficient of protection
against accidents.Training proves to be a valid prevention tool in the hands of the employer which reduces it to a mere
regulatory compliance,detached from the overall corporate security project, underestimating that negligent choices
constitute heavy hypotheses of crime in the presence of avoidable injuries through adequate training.The project
wants to raise awareness of the employer on the power of training as a protection coefficient suggesting training
approaches that,where adequate and correctly implemented,exempt him from the responsibilities deriving from the
accident.Knowledge of the danger inherent in substances,machines and processes, mastery of working techniques,
competence in the safe use,if not combined with other “confounding”(non-compliance)factors,they can significantly
reduce the risk.These are skills that cannot be acquired in an isolated educational path but that require a process
integrated with the work that must start at the level scholastic,articulate in the communication to the worker of the
business risks and turn into support to expert personnel.The general education carried out at school level would
constitute an investment carried out by the State, specific training for coaching would reduce the burdens of classroom training certainly causing a slowdown in production but to a greater advantage a reduction in extraordinary
maintenance interventions due to incorrect use of the equipment and absences for participation in training. For the
supervisory body, the problematic verification of compliance with regulatory requirements would be solved with the
establishment at Regional level of an evaluation team.

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