Drafting of standardized protocols referring to standard patients according to the 2015 National Guidelines, each
of which will be associated with a dose index (“dose class”), pursuant to Legislative Decree 101/2020, article 161,
paragraph No. 6.
study, data were collected from the execution on at least 5 patients of the practices admitted to standardization, for
each hospital belonging to the ASL BT, using a CR detector and the values of the set parameters were recorded (kV,
mA, exposure time, fi e-bed distance, focus-detector distance, field size, SEV, use or not of the AEC, possible use of
the anti-diffusion grid). For each protocol, the associated effective dose was then calculated and the corresponding
dose class assigned.
Starting from the analysis of the data, 33 standard protocols were proposed for the execution of bone densitometric
radiographic examinations, with a single densitometric model, and traditional radiology with two different OPT
equipment and a remote-controlled model, installed in the ASL BT facilities.
The study represents the proposal of 33 standard protocols for the execution of radiological examinations on the examined equipment, for each of which the associated dose class has been verified, which agrees with the reference one.
Starting from the protocols obtained, it has been shown that the use of AEC involves a dose saving for the patient. In
the ASL BT it is therefore possible to proceed with the implementation of the Guidelines.

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