Oncological screenings: The screening program consists of the free and active offer (personal invitation) to the population, at risk by age, of practices that have proved to be able to significantly affect the natural history of the disease
(reduction of morbidity and mortality) maintaining A convenient relationship between costs (economic, psychological, social) and the benefits (Omswilson, 1968). Oncological screenings organized currently active in our country are:
The objective of oncological screening programs is the reduction of mortality.
According to the national guidelines (PNLG) “the assumptions that are the basis of the offer of an oncological
screening test to a hypothetically healthy population are:
1. that it is possible to identify the neoplasm, if present, when still asymptomatic;
2. that this anticipation of the diagnosis translates into a concrete benefit, first of all in terms of survival extension.
Always the PNLG in the document at the evaluation of services stresses that:
“Screening by nature is a tool that requires caution, because it proposes to asymptomatic people, who have a perception of their positive health, a diagnostic test that can reveal the presence of a cancer in its latency period”. For this
reason, another professional figure represented by the “psycho-oncologist” has also become part of the last decade.
As we see below the screening of the uterus’s neck cancer falls more than others in the two requirements (A and (B
first mentioned. Tumors that affect the uterus must be distinguished in cervix cancers and body tumors based on the
segment that comes Struck by neoplasm. This work will pay attention to the first group, which by natural history, risk
factors, incidence, clinical trend, therapy and finally survival. For many years, it has been the subject of public health
interventions aimed at its Primary and secondary prevention.

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