Numerous scientific evidences show that the social skills deficit is one of the main sources of discomfort for a psychotic patient, as it compromises the individual’s ability to actively participate in society and to effectively manage different situations, be they personal, family or social. As reported by scientific research, all social behaviors can be learned and then modified thanks to experience and training. The approach centered on the enhancement of social skills, social skills training, includes a range of interventions aimed at acquiring and training the social skills necessary in interpersonal situations to communicate with others in an appropriate and effective way over time. This study therefore aims to detect the usefulness and effectiveness of Social Skills Training (SST) on adaptive social functions and on the personal and social functioning of the subjects examined. The sample is represented by 10 patients with psychotic syndromes belonging to the housing community “Borgo Sociale Regionale Roccabascerana”, who participated in SST meetings. The “Social Skills Training for the treatment of schizophrenia” manual (A.S. Belleck, K.T. Mueser, S.Gingerich, J.Agresta) was used for the intervention. In order to assess the achievement of the intervention objectives, the FPS and S.A.F.E scales were administered at the beginning and end of treatment.

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