In literature the therapeutic efficacy of the vibration applied to the human body is known and the rehabilitative
therapeutic applications are multiple: ultrasounds, shock waves and focused mechanical-sound waves. Even music
has recently been the subject of scientific evidence researches that gives investigate its ability to positively influence
the psyche and the physical body. The benefits generated by music therapy are numerous and completely involve the
individual in his bio-psycho-social aspect.
This single-blind randomized controlled clinical trial was carried out within the university rehabilitation and reeducation centre venue of “Gabriele d’ Annunzio” university, Chieti - Pescara.
The objective was to verify whether the immediate effects on the body of acoustic musical stimulation and acoustic
vibrations are more effective than simple musical listening.
To achieve this goal, a Vibro-acoustic platform was used, a tool that allows the patient to listen to the sounds and the
music and, at the same time, to perceive the vibration caused by the music itself thanks to the speaker on the whole
One hundred healthy subjects were randomly divided into two groups: the experimental group (SG) underwent both
vibrational and acoustic stimulation (in a single therapeutic session), while the control group (CG) was subjected to
a single session with non-functioning vibration platform and acoustic stimulation.
Vital parameters, mean body temperature variations using thermography, distribution of body fluids by bio impedance
analysis, rheological parameters of occipital muscles, trapezius, erector of lumbar spine, gastrocnemius muscles, with
the MyotonPRO System at T0 and T1 (previously and at the end of the protocol). Furthermore, a final questionnaire
was administered aimed at evaluating the appreciation of the therapy and the perceived subjective perceptions.
As regards the statistically significant results, a general improvement in the parameters examined in the entire sample
can be highlighted. Blood pressure in SG had a tendency to normalization. The CG has undergone an increase in the
average body temperature (1.24%) and a decrease in body fluids (3.17%) greater than the SG.
In both groups, muscle tone decreased in all regions analysed, except in the lumbar region ones.
The same data found for muscle rigidity except for the lumbar region (CG increased by 0.75%). Better results in the
analysis of the questionnaires were highlighted for the SG in which a greater satisfaction of the therapeutic sessions
was perceived by the patient.

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